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Yakiniku of horsemeat

Yakiniku of horse meat which does not taste too much. We will have freshened sauce that crushed vinegar with duct, refreshing.


Law Shoulder roast

Shoulder loiners are irresistible, it is a part of marbling.


Law Horse lever

Eat texture is corrigly, there is eating response, it is characterized by less smell. It is a rare site, so I'm lucky if I have arrived.



Three types of raw meat


 Horse fillet steak 100g 1600
Horse smoke 800
Horse meat and Leek stir fry 800
Horse cutlet 800
Braised horse streak 600
Stir fry with horse garlic 600
Deep fried chicken wings 600
Deep-fried chicken wick 1000
Deep fried shrimp carricks 1200
Today's pasta 800